3rd Grade Reading & Writing
💻Reading A-Z - Login for access to handwriting workshee
💻Create your own Cursive Handwriting Worksheet - This is great for student name practice.
💻KidZone.ws/cursive - Introduces letters in groups by similar formation.
✎ Cursive practice by letter
✎ Practice Writing Your Name in Cursive
✎ Cursive sentences:
Practice #1, Practice #2, Practice #3, Practice #4, Practice #5, Practice #6, Practice #7, Practice #8, Practice #9, Practice #10
Vocabulary & Word Analysis
💻 Log in to Epic to practice phonics & reading skills.
✎Happy Trails - text with vocabulary questions
✎All in a Week - text with vocabulary questions
✎ Bug Power - passage with vocabulary practice
✎ Let's Work on Making Our Planet a Better Place - passage with vocabulary practice
✎ Plurals Practice Folder Game
Reading comprehension can be practiced simply by reading and discussing what has been read. Listed below are some additional activities to support comprehension. For even more practice, visit Achieve3000 Literacy Printable Packets and check out these reading comprehension activities.
Reading Comprehension: Literary
Reading Comprehension: Informational
💻 Log in to Epic. Read Johnny Appleseed and take the quiz
✎ Safety on Foot - passage and questions
✎ Bug Power - passage and questions
✎ Starfish - passage and questions
✎ Crickets - passage and questions
✎ Food Around the World - passage with questions
✎ Polar Bears - passage with questions
✎ Invention of Basketball - passage with questions
The following list contains resources for grades 3-5 that are free to parents and students at all times.
Unite for Literacy- Free digital access to picture books for early elementary grades, printed in English with narration available in 47 different languages
National Center for Improving Literacy- information for families and KIDSZONE with at home reading activities
Starfall- free interactive phonics resources
CommonLit- Free collection of fiction and non-fiction texts, leveled and arranged by theme
Kiddle Search Engine- student-friendly search engine for research
Khan Academy- provides free online lessons in every subject
Wonderopolis- student friendly website that promotes research and exploration through sparking student interest and inquiry
LibriVox- Free, public domain books read by volunteers from around the world that can be downloaded and listened to on any device
Couch Academy- VDOE curated resources from Virginia Museums